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Perfection has to be sought never reached. This is the only way to inspire and motivate creativity

Giovanni Celeste


My whips are totally handcrafted

and hand made with passion and expertise.


I’m a Whipmaker, Leather Designer and Prop Maker since 1995. I’m proud to state that I’ve been the first artisan to spread in Italy the culture of whipmaking and usage of whips according to Australian whipmakers – maestros of this fine art.

I’m producing whips for collectors, performer, gallerists, circus (like Circo Orfei, Circo Togni) and cinema & television productions (eg. Ben Hur 2016).

After several years of hard work and complete dedication made up of Passion, Precision, Patience (my personal ‘three P’) I’m pleased to say that my products are well appreciated and esteemed for their attention to details, precision, good taste and elegance.

I’m a Member of the Australian Plaiters & Whipmakers Association and the Ring of Trust.

This one is a group of whipmakers with integrity. Our goal is to create transparency, reliability, and the best customer service available.

I’d like to deeply thank everyone who has trusted me from the beginning and all those who will continue to trust me because it has helped me so much and will continue to help my professional growth and skills.

And now … I invite you to enjoy my products..

Giovanni Celeste

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