Twisted handle Whip for Whip Basics

“When the wood meets the leather.”

I’am pleased to introduce you the third video review by Robert Amper on “The Twisted Handle Whip” i made the first days of February 2017.

Robert Amper is the creator and instructor of the 4 volumes of DVDs “Whip BasicsA Beginners Guide” a comprehensive collection dedicated to the teaching of whipcracking, from the basic figures to the most advanced and complex.

He is also the founder and owner of Whip Basics, ie the authoritative and famous forum dedicated to the world of whips that contains many valuable sections on the various models of whips and also interesting tutorial videos for construction and maintenance and use of the whip.

I gave this whip to Robert with great pleasure. The earnings from its sell will help him to support the no profit association in defence of animals.

This beautiful collaboration generated 3 great things:

A detailed photo gallery, a video review now available on YouTube …. and a beautiful Friendship!

A really thanks goes to Mario Desgronte for the beautiful photos that he did on the tamer whip. The pics are really beautiful and elegant capturing the essence of the whip.

Robert Amper’s reviews are not simply skilled and qualified, they contain a special and unique added value: they are realized both with brain and heart!

In line with the best sommeliers approach Robert’s emotional, scientific and sensorial spheres merge together to produce a professional and perfect review.

For this reason Robert’s unique attitude drive me to call him ‘the whip sommelier’ … alias the Whipmelier!

I invite you to watch the video and leave your impressions.

Giovanni Celeste



When the wood meets the leather.

This whip has been made according the old tradition of Italian art regarding the making twisted handle and the old Australian art of whipmaking.

In order to give a sense of continuity between the twisted spirals of the handle and the pattern of the knot on the very end of the handle, this time i’ve chose a unusual knot, it doesn’t have a specific name.

For the same reason you’ll see two little gaucho knot: one over the handle grip and the other knot over the thong.

The total look of this whip is very warm like an old fiddle.

Thanks for your attention and..

… I hope you like it.

Giovanni Celeste


Here some specs of the whip:

Length: 6 and 1/2ft

Iron spike inside the twisted handle

The junction handle – thong was binded with artificial sinew in each layers

Leather filler and leather core

The bellies are 4 plait (roo)

Leather bolster

Overlay is 12 plait in kangaroo hide

The leather Fall has been rounded, two Gaucho knots and an unusual knot 11 lead & 10 bight where the wood meets the plaited kangaroo thong.