Whip Making: 8 foot Target whip 24 plait kangaroo overlay

This whip was the result of a photo shoot for a national magazine. The following photos are a small summary of where I tried to keep the spirit of this photo session. The whip was built this year during the first three weeks of August.

In total over 150 photographs were taken by photographer Carmine Rubicco.

I really thank Paul Nolan for the valuable advice they kindly gave me.

I really thank all the people who have seen and enjoyed the photos.

Kind Regards


Features of the whip:

  • handle 27cm
  • rolled core
  • 4 plait belly bolster
  • 24 plait overlay 7 x 6
  • Three-Pass two tone
  • Turkshead Knot 8 strands braid crocodile ridge loop